Fireworks Electric Firing Systems

How we can help you:
- Electical Fireworks Ignition Systems
- Instructions and Troubleshooting Electrical Fireworks Ignition Systems
- How To Make Electric Matches
- Electrical Fireworks Ignition System Tips
Skylighter has many options for the electrical firing of fireworks. From a wired capacitive discharge unit, electric match blanks, heads, dip kits and electric match testers. The documents below will show you how to use our various electrical fireworks ignition systems and make electric matches with Skylighter products.
How Electrical Fireworks Ignition Works
No matter if your show is big or small setting up an electrically fired display requires a little know-how and some basic components. Reading though this page will help get you up to speed on the know-how. The basic components of an electrically fired display are: Electric matches (made with Skylighter dip-kit and Skylighter electric match blanks), Shooting wire, and an electrical fireworks ignition system. The process is pretty simple: secure fireworks in their intended location. Attach electric matches to the fuses supplied with the fireworks. Attach a length of shooting wire to the electric match to extend it back to where the electrical fireworks ignition system is. Connect the shooting wire to the appropriate cue. The proceeding steps are repeated until all fireworks have been connected to the electrical fireworks ignition system.In the graphic below we are using two electrical fireworks ignition systems so we have more cues and can spread the fireworks over a greater distance.

Electrical Fireworks Ignition Systems
Electrical fireworks ignition systems are a great way to shoot a firework show. No more running around lighting fuses, you can sit back, push buttons and watch the show.Instructions and Troubleshooting Electrical Fireworks Ignition Systems
How To Use Capacitive Discharge Electrical Fireworks Ignition System
The best electrical fireworks ignition system for large fronts, capable of firing 50 electric matches in series over a long distance.
How To Make Electric Matches
Before you can wire up your display you'll need electric matches. With Skylighter's electric match dip kit you can make reliable electric matches at home quickly and easily.-
Electric Match Dip Kit
The electric match dip kit comes with 2-part pyrogen, thinner and easy to follow directions. Everything you need to make functional low voltage electric matches using Skylighter electric match blanks. You can even read the instructions online here. -
Electric Match Blanks, 1 Foot Wires Attached
Our electric match blanks are a perfect match for the Skylighter electric match dip kit. No soldering, crimping or twisting. No more inconsistent electric matches. A very simple method for making inexpensive electric matches at home.
- Electric Match Tester
Battery powered continuity tester designed to test electric matches prior to attaching to any device. - Shooting Wire
2-wire, solid copper, 22 gauge. Sometimes called zip wire, scab wire, or pyrotechnic wire. Used for connecting electric matches to slats or to electrical fireworks ignition systems.
Electrical Fireworks Ignition System Tips
Super Simple Electrical Fireworks Ignition System
Learn how to make a simple electrical fireworks ignition system using an electric fence power unit. -
How to Attach Electric Matches to Visco Fuse
Learn how to attach your electric matches to your fireworks to ensure ignition.