Why does John Steinberg call Fireworks & Pyro Projects "the ultimate guide to the pyro hobbyist's universe?"
Because it is the largest collection of fireworks projects --more than 120-- ever written.
Because they were written by living fireworks masters using materials available to anyone today.
Look at what you get in Fireworks & Pyro Projects. All 120+ projects were previously published in Skylighter's newsletters. Now they have been reformatted, updated and neatly organized into a single book. You can download all of these projects minutes from now.
- Making Incredible Aerial Shells: 11 projects
- Making Fireworks Rockets Better than Anything You've Ever Seen: 21 projects
- Making Fireworks Stars in Every Color of the Rainbow: 25 projects
- Making Your Own Black Powder That's Better Than Storebought: 3 projects
- Using Consumer Fireworks to Make Knockout Fireworks Displays: 11 projects
- How Fusing & Electric Ignition Really Make Professional Fireworks: 8 projects
Ground Effects, the Secret Fireworks That Dazzle Audiences: 23 projects
Equipment, Tools & Processes: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Fireworks: 11 projects
Technical: The Details You Need to Know: 9 projects
In a nutshell it is the variety of projects & total scope of the book. Simply put, no book on making fireworks has ever covered this much ground, nor done such a thorough job of it.
"I also like that it's written simply and clearly. I've got a couple of other pyro books, and they wander off out into the weeds on the technical aspects that I don't yet understand. That's made it difficult for me to really get started... I can get my feet wet and learn the basics without being bogged down." -
eBook format vs. a printed book: you can download it and save it on your computer forever.
"I like it's being on my computer. It'll never get dog eared or coffee stained."
"I'm in the computer industry, so I really appriciate being able to always have my book with me on a thumbdrive." -
Instantly searchable: find any word, topic or phrase in seconds.
Simply written in clear, plain English. No pyrotechnical jargon to wonder about.
"Everything is explained in wonderful detail. You can be confident that any project you do will be successful if you can follow directions. The videos are awesome and lead you through all the steps you need." -
Thorough: everything you need to know is given in each project. Covers a wide range of subject matter and fireworks projects. Very detailed, yet easy to understand by anyone. A list of all the materials needed are included with each project. Nothing is left out. Nothing left to guess about.
"The great attention to detail in the text is actually more than I expected. So many text books assume you already know the basics and the jargon." -
Beginners to advanced: small safe, quiet projects all the way to professional level display fireworks worthy of any audience in the world.
Up to date: uses chemicals, and materials available to anyone today. Older books have methods and chemicals which are no longer available or would be considered suicidal to do today.
Written by master fireworks makers. Contributions from dozens of well-known contemporary fireworks masters, who are still practicing their fireworks art today.
819 pages. It is encyclopedic in its range of topics and yet long on practical "how to" content and short on theory.
"The magnum opus about fireworks building." -
Dozens of pyrotechnic formulas. It's like having your own recipe book for every imaginable color, composition and effect, along with detailed mixing instructions so that you get them right every time.
Step by step instructions. Nothing is left out. No dangerous guesswork.
Hundreds of color photos and diagrams. The most well illustrated book on fireworks in existence.
Videos embedded right in projects. Click on any video image and play the videos right inside your eBook! They let you know exactly what steps to take and how to do them. Best of all, you get videos showing exactly how the firework is supposed to look when you light it!
You will want to use it both on your computer and as printed instructions in your workshop.
The videos embedded in many of the projects will only play on your computer. So, whether you print it all out or not, keep a copy of it there for a backup and so you can watch the excellent instructional videos.
You can print out as few or as many pages as you want.
Want to make red stars tonight? Just print that chapter out and take it to your shop.
Did you get the pages for the blue go-getters dirty when you made that batch of stars? No problem. Just print that chapter out again, fresh and clean.
No. Here's why. It costs more than you would want to pay. Since most of the 819 pages are in color, a printed version would cost you hundreds of dollars. And you would lose all of the valuable videos, links to related projects, and information only available in a modern eBook.
Instead, you download Fireworks & Pyro Projects as an "eBook." The eBook gives you the best of both worlds. You get the multi-media richness of using the book on your computer, and you can take it anywhere on a thumbdrive.
And you can print out any project from the book and use it in your workshop or at a fireworks event. Make note on the pages. Or get them dirty, spill coffee on them and throw them away. No problem.
There are many printed fireworks books which cost much more and only cover a fraction of fireworks projects that Fireworks & Pyro Projects does.
That's only 80 cents per fireworks project!
To order Fireworks & Pyro Projects, just click the button below.

Don't forget, it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact our
sales and support staff at support@skylighter.com

Mike Gerson