"Professional Cannon" Fuse Assortment - (contains 6 rolls of fuse)

Save 20%
$152.00 /set

Selecting the right ignition fuse can be confusing. What speed do I need? How much of each type?

At Skylighter we like to keep it simple! So, we removed all of the guesswork and created a package with the right fuse, in the right proportions.

The Visco Fuse "Professional" Assortment comes with 6 rolls of high-quality, 3mm. fuse.

Each Fuse Assortment Contains:

  • 3 Rolls of Slow "Green" Fuse (GN3002) - 30ft.
    Speed: 30 sec/ft.   (3 rolls, 30ft a piece cut into ten 3 foot pieces)
  • 2 Rolls of Medium "Pink" Fuse (GN3001) - 30ft.
    Speed: 9.5-10 sec/ft. (2 rolls, 30ft a piece cut into ten 3 foot pieces)

  • 1 Roll of "Small" 2.5mm Cannon Fuse (GN1018) - 20ft.
    Speed: 23-25 sec/ft. (20ft piece)

To buy all of this fuse a la carte it would cost you over $190! But by bundling them together you lose the guess work and gain a big discount.

Each roll of fuse is color coded to prevent confusion and accidents.

Part #KT0080