5" Ball Shell Kit
Delight your buddies with 5" ball shell kit. Jam pack this guy with your effects fuse produce some crackle and color in the sky.
This kit will include one 5 inch mortar tube, 10 sets of shells, 10ft of Timefuse, 30 ft of the Medium Pink, 30ft of Safety fuse, 20ft of the Crackling fuse, 20ft Silver Flying Fish, and 20ft of Red Falling Leaf.
With multiple fuses in the kit you have endless options.
Combine this with one of your star kits and make yourself one impressive shell.
5" mortar tube (1) - PL3185
5" shells (10 sets) - PS2050
Time Fuse (10ft) 2 sec/in - GN2010
Visco Safety Fuse (30ft) 30 seconds/1ft - GN3002
Medium Pink fuse (30ft) 10 seconds/1ft - GN3001
Crackle Fuse (20ft) 20 seconds/1ft - GN1047
Red Falling Leaf (20ft) 60 seconds/1ft - GN1504
Silver Flying Fish (20ft) 1.8 sec/in - GN1025
NOTE: Stars and Black Powder not included
Add yourself a Black Powder kit and one of our impressive Star kits and get to building.